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We are hyperexponential, and we are here for our 2023 fundraise.
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The insurance value chain faces disruption from InsurTech and tech giants, complicating pricing decisions which are pivotal to profitability across a complex landscape of data.
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Our solution, hx Renew, is a SaaS platform that transforms chaotic data into superior pricing decisions, driving profitability in an industry that generates around 7 trillion in premiums globally.
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hx Renew simplifies the modeling process for insurance companies with features that accelerate model deployment, reduce costs, and improve profitability by streamlining technology challenges.
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We assist leading (re)insurers in writing over 37 billion in gross written premium annually, recognized as Insurtech Product of the Year, with user engagement growing exponentially.
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With demand for insurance at a 20-year high and technology spending in insurance outpacing market growth, hx Renew is positioned to capitalize on the significant investment in pricing transformations.
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Our team comprises seasoned industry experts who have firsthand experience in the insurance sector, ensuring our solutions are tailored to user needs.
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Investing in hyperexponential means championing a future where insurance pricing is data-driven, agile, and profitable across the global market.